Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Fun on the forth

Breakfast was Lunch

I was supose to meet Meagan and Sheena for breakfast. But we all slept to late and had to get lunch instead. Subway is good and when we got back to the appartment the boys came back so we played cards. I suck at hearts. But it was fun. then they left for work so we went shoping for towles. wow 230 in the afternoon and im shoping for towles. thats fun! we wanted to go swim so we drove to the y and it was closed that sucked!! so for like four hours we had to amuse ourselves and we descovered ther is NOTHING to do in norman. big suprise any way swe ende at the DUCK POND where i got a duck to jump and another to play catch. Meagan named him Earl but i like Jumpy better so to me his name is Jumpy. He is a cute little black and white duck thats sorta small. The other duck was white and played catch with the corn flakes. tomarrow me and Meagan are going to go visit him. Not a bad day even if it was kinda hard not to be board in norman. The fireworks sucked :( norman sucks arrg!!! I wanted to be in Nebraska!!!! But I did have fun playing with the sparklers. O ya I got Alex to try and master flips in the pool. Yah Alex!
(I was also suprised I could still do it. heheh)


Blogger Alustriel said...

yaya Tabz writing blogs!
But I was there that day so I already knew everything haha.
Can't wait for more.

9:37 PM, July 05, 2005  

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