Thursday, December 22, 2005


I passed all my classes go me!!!!!!
So I'm way thrilled and I have a four-day weekend and I get presents and I doing something crazy to my hair tomorrow so ya I'm in a great mood.

Merry Chirstmas
to all ya and I hope to see ya at the party!!!

TABZ (p.s. this is a colorful post!!)

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Schools out for Christmas!!!

OK, so its not out yet but I'm still happy cause all I have left is my BOWLING final and then a history final. After that is freedom for almost 4 weeks!!!!!!
And that whole unpleasantness at work will be over on the 22nd. So my life should resume normal status soon. Can't wait for the Christmas party and I apologize in advance (o the whole 3 people who read this)that depending on the size of my next check Christmas presents maybe delayed this year I'm working on an alternative but I don't know if ill have time so just be warned. Ok now its time for bed cause I don't really have anything else to say.
