Friday, March 31, 2006

here ya go Meo

ok just cause meo said i would

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Little Hands
2. New life
3. Goodrich
4. Babysitting for the Fords(my almost mine kids)

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Madagascar
2. Shrek
3. Pirates of the Carribean
4. Shanghai noon & knights

Four places you have lived:
1. Sydney, IA
2. Nebraska City, NE
3. Sabetha,KA
4. Santa Fe, NM

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Myth Busters
2. Mind of Mencia
3. Super Nanny/ Nanny 911
4. im a CRIF so this ones censored

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Georgia
2. Flordia
3. Colorado
4. Minisota

Websites I visit daily:
4. everones's blogs (almost everday)

Four of my favorite foods:
2. rusty's
3. cheese
4. um in Mikes a food?

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. bowling
2. nebraska
3. iowa
4. Ireland

Four friends I am tagging that I think will respond....
1. Shane
2. Di
3. Karen
4. Luke

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I GOT MY INTENET HOOKED UP-- ps guys dont read this one trust me

ok ya im all hooked up at the new place cable and internet! im so happy! the guy, Wes, was here for 2 hours cause he had a horrible time trying to got the connection to work. i missed class casue of it but it was very much worth it cause i go tot watch him lift himself into the attic (cause there aint any steps). ya! any guy who can lift themselves up 6feet with just their arms is totaly worth missing class for and he was very nice and talked to me the whole time instead of just ignoring me like most tecs do Another fun thing while he was here di called and i we had a nice conversation about what 3 things girls look for in guys kinda of sad theres only 3 important things
ok this has been random enough so byez


Sunday, March 12, 2006


Have you filed your taxes yet? If not you should do so sooner rather than later. I just did mine online for free and i didnt have to use a caculator!!! *^_^* ya for refunds! also it had been noticed that the med fair is just 2 weekends away i hope a few of us can get together and have some fun and some TURKEY LEGS cause im looking forward to it.


im not drunk ... yet

For two nights in a row a particular person has slept over at my house because 1) they are too far gone to drive and 2) they are the most forgetful person in the world. o well i so happy its SPRING BREAK!!!! also captain and coke is now my favorite drink :)

love ya

TABZ and Friends

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

ok small change

im still moving out but i got offered the efficency that my boss owns insted of apple creek so im still moving out but its on the 18th and its not at apple creek

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


For real I paid my deposit and talked to the cox people and wow ya I'm out of here !!!!! so for anyone who cares my last day in this hell hole is march19th after that Ill be at apple creek apartments #1002

(and yes i know that is not that far away from where i am now but they had the best deal)


Friday, March 03, 2006

Everone meet Tristin!

Ok i now have a pet penguin! i was looking through random blogs and found someone who had a spider pet and found Tristin on the website i was sent to. its fun there are several animals to choose from and you can make them any color, name them and feed them Tristin eats little green fishies.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


dude how the hell did end up here?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

kinda a repost

hehehe i like this picture but youve seen it before

and just so you know its

1 hour 20 mins till im 21!!!!!!!!!