Tuesday, May 30, 2006

All over

OK, the trip is done and gone and im so happy. My dog now has 8 acers and her own pond to play in. my stepmom didnt piss me off so i got along with her and Gaylon cooked so we had real food not squirels or racoons. i got to go fishing and i caught a coulple of good sized bass that tasted really good, i was in a state where it is legal to shoot off fireworks year round so i BLEW STUFF UP!! mostly rocks and made small craters in the sand. oooo and i got to go to some caves that were very nice.

This is a good shot of the Frozen Niagara!

kay so thats about all that happened but i might be going back for the 4th of July.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Trip

OK so if you dont know im leaving for the weekend to give my dog to my real father in mosuri, so i wont be around on im or anything. you can call me and bug me anytime cause im going to be board as hell if ya dont.

O and did i mention that im taking the DOG the 100 pound dog that doesnt like to ride in the car and ya thats just dandy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So I want to post

but i cant think of anything to really post about therfore this is a ramble.

1 The stupid cable people finnaly showed up last night adn took away my cable for 5 hours and they did it early so i didnt get to finsh my show i was way pissed. and i couldnt sleep well cause there was creepy cable people outside and they had a stupid light that blinked and drove me crazy.

2 Movie on thursday! im happy but i kept thinking that today was wedsnesday so i thought the movie was tomorrow but nope sadness :(

3 i get off early the rest of the week ya! and then i get to drive 8 or9 hours with dog in the backseat

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Just in case

I was informed by automated voice message that my cable area is going to be being upgraded. So if I'm not on like normal its cause they are working on it from midnight till 5am for a few days. Other then that see people tonight at gamenight and bowling!

(P.S. just for Meo and Richard I used periods and capital letters! Does it please you?)

Friday, May 12, 2006

um small edit to previous post

ok so the drop by anytime part has change to not till at least 830pm im a broke college student so im forced to accept all babysitting jobs that im offered an i get done at 8 tomorrow so ya not till after 830 but any time after that

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Super Saturday Funness

ok so everone is done with finals by tomorrow right? i belive this is right. so as a reward for everones good work and lack of brain stems we should have a partyish thing i know we are having game night next weds but i was think more along the lines of a movie and maybe some drinks and pizza so that is waht im doing saturday night anytime you want to you can show up bring something to share for the drinks if you can legally and maybe a couple of bucks for some food and if you know your coming try to let me know

it you drink you cant drive thats my rule so bring a pillow if you plan on having more then 2 drinks

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Im the winner

ok just for di here it is in post form

I won tickets for the summerslam concert off the radio. first time i have ever won anything from the radio. very funny how it happened, di was down last friday we tried to win that night but we didnt i was very mad cause i got through 3 times IN THE SAME SET and was caller 1 caller 5 and caller 9 what number were they going for #10 so ya i was kinda pissed. so tried againg on saturday got through but i had turned down the radio and didnt hear that they already had the winner but i talked to the dude and told him what happened on friday night. he asked if i was going to try again the next hour i told him ya i was going to try all day then he asked if i was going to call from the same number told him ya its the only one i got he said good cause he thought that it was the lucky number for the next hours winner then he hung up on me. so i didnt want to get my hopes too high but i know the djs are pretty nice about stuff like that so i thought i might have a chance and guess what i called in the next hour and as soon as i got through he said i won! so nice of him right and i got my first ever radio win and its going to be an ok concert exspecial cause i have FREE VIP tickets

happy di?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


OK so i found out from Sheena that hastings now sells used hardbacks and ta da!! they had 4 of the rober jordan books i still needed so i got them and it was only 25 for all 4!! thats 10 less then 1 new one . Much happiness *^__^* im having a good book week. now i need to make a weekly visit to hastings to see if i can get the ones i still need. (books 2,4,5,11 **if anyone happens to see these grab them ill pay ya back) :D kay thas all for now later people!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!

YA!!!! Book ten is coming out in July! I was scared cause I couldn't find anything out for along time and it was suppose to be out in early march but its ok as long as it gets here in July as scheduled.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Im a ....

You Are a Martini

There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!