Thursday, May 11, 2006

Super Saturday Funness

ok so everone is done with finals by tomorrow right? i belive this is right. so as a reward for everones good work and lack of brain stems we should have a partyish thing i know we are having game night next weds but i was think more along the lines of a movie and maybe some drinks and pizza so that is waht im doing saturday night anytime you want to you can show up bring something to share for the drinks if you can legally and maybe a couple of bucks for some food and if you know your coming try to let me know

it you drink you cant drive thats my rule so bring a pillow if you plan on having more then 2 drinks


Blogger Elizabeth said...

count me in

3:05 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger di hu said...

i might come i do work

9:37 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger FlutinKat said...

When and where? As long as work doesn't have me, I can be there.

1:28 PM, May 12, 2006  

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