Friday, April 28, 2006


Ok so I went to the fridge to get a drink. Open the door bend down reach for water bottle NO WATER. I'm out! kay second thought reach for diet coke NO DIET COKE!!! THE WORLD HAS ENDED!!!(you just don't know it yet) OK calm down restart heart reach for cranberry juice NO CRANBERRY JUICE. I have nothing in my house to drink that is NOT an alcoholic beverage. That's not good.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Oversleeping is bad

Ok so yesterday I went to bed kinda early for me like at midnight or just after. I woke up and thought I was up before my alarm but then I really looked at the clock and it said that it was 235 in the afternoon. hmm what did I do? I TOTALY freaked out thinking I was about 6 hours late for work. I went flying into the kitchen at work stopped and realized that no kids were taking a nap which is what should be happing at 230ish so I looked at the clock in there and it was only 703 am I was 27 mins early for work. Well figured out that the electricity went out sometime after I fell asleep and that was the one night I forgot to set my phone as a back up so its a good thing I woke up when I did but it still made me feel about as intelligent as an ant.

Monday, April 24, 2006

I need...... Something?

You ever just fell like you need to do something to relive the stuff in your head but you cant find anything that works?
That's my week from last Thursday till I don't know when. I've tried everything that I can that doesn't involve me hurting anyone and I still feel mentally full. I cant just make it go away. Weird huh? If I could think of some words to explain this better I would go on but I'm just too stupid to make it sound right.

O well I have to take a course for the next 3 days for work to get some more training hours so my evenings from 630-930 are going to suck. I hate taking classes that say all the same crap as the last 900 classes and just give you another piece of dead tree to stick in a folder to show you know something. If DHS ever pulls its head out of its ass and just looked at the people while the worked they would know in under 10 mins if the person can hack it or not. This is how I will do it when I run the world.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This should amuse a few people

Paranoid Disorder:High
Schizoid Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Disorder:Very High
Antisocial Disorder:High
Borderline Disorder:Very High
Histrionic Disorder:Moderate
Narcissistic Disorder:High
Avoidant Disorder:Very High
Dependent Disorder:High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Think before you....

No one cares what i think but here it is anyways. we should all remeber that blogs are for lots of reasons but should not be used for bashing of people in the post or the comments. most of us do this for fun or stress reilfe or just to do it. i dont think anyone is out there to hurt people. and if they are then thats just silly. and i think DI is right things sound harsher when typed. if you can hear someones tone then you would know if they are just joking around or beening silly not trying to be ugly.

in other news i like to have a clean appartment. it makes me happy.

Love alls

Thursday, April 06, 2006

ER trip and other funness

Ok so most of ya know i took a trip to the ER on Monday. Had horrible pain, couldn't walk, crying cause it was so bad, ect. well after a very nice dose of some very nice drugs i passedout, was woke up, had some x-rays, passedout again, was woke up again, had a cat scan, passedout, woke up told i had kidney stones and given 3 things, 1- the number for the doc i had to go see, 2- a large script for some nice pain meds, 3- a big yucky bill. that was my monday. Tuesday woke up late rushed to the new docs, waited for forever the nurse finally comes in and tells me to loose my clothes and then VIOLATES ME more then i want to ever think about. the doc comes in and VIOLATES ME some more and then tells me it was probly for nothing cause he cant find anything wrong with me. then i got to go to work after that and worked till close. Weds worked from 7-530 at the dayschool then worked 630-830 at new life flew up to the north and had bowling night came home and didnt go to bed till 330 am . Thursday i got up at 6 worked 630-530 and took a nap. Now im sitting here writing. O the joys of my week so far. the only thing worse is that tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day. we have a special tour coming through the daycare so we have to be in early have 99 diffrent things done by930 so we can show off for the people for 2 hours. Hopefully the kids wont decied to behave to badly. Also instead of getting to sleep in or go have fun on saturday I have to go to work! thats right the daycare is closed but we are having a work day with the OU Big Help people so i get to spend my day off painting and hauling loads of sand around while superviosing the stupidest college students to ever walk the earth.

Now after writing all this wonderful happy stuff i think im going to have a drink.


Saturday, April 01, 2006


This is a public service annoucment----- tonight is the night to change your clocks please SPRING AHEAD 1 hour at 2 am so you loose an hour so go to bed early---- the end