Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Oversleeping is bad

Ok so yesterday I went to bed kinda early for me like at midnight or just after. I woke up and thought I was up before my alarm but then I really looked at the clock and it said that it was 235 in the afternoon. hmm what did I do? I TOTALY freaked out thinking I was about 6 hours late for work. I went flying into the kitchen at work stopped and realized that no kids were taking a nap which is what should be happing at 230ish so I looked at the clock in there and it was only 703 am I was 27 mins early for work. Well figured out that the electricity went out sometime after I fell asleep and that was the one night I forgot to set my phone as a back up so its a good thing I woke up when I did but it still made me feel about as intelligent as an ant.


Blogger di hu said...


6:50 PM, April 27, 2006  

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