Sunday, June 04, 2006

I need to quit

I'm not mad at anyone at work or anything. Its just that I babysat for some of the easiest kids two days in a row for a grand total of like 10.5 hours mostly all of them hours when all the kids were sleeping! The sad part is the amount I made doing it $90 cash! I love it and hate it all at the same time. 10.5 hours is about the same as I do at work everyday and I don't make 90 a day. And I don't have just 3 kids that mostly sleep. O and no one at work gives me a blank check for dinner and tells me to get whatever the kids and I want and not to worry about the cost, stocks the fridge with soda just for me cause she knows I'm addicted to diet coke, lets me use her computer, has ALL the cable channels and a huge and I mean frigen HUGE! tv and still over pays me even after I tell her not too. I wish I could just be a babysitter and make good money everyday without all the stress of my regular job, but I'm done playing in LaLa land I'll go back to sad and boring reality again :(



Blogger Alustriel said...

Wouldn't that be a nanny?

8:23 PM, June 06, 2006  

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