Thursday, August 31, 2006

yet again we win

its really sad. for how many years now. north didnt even get into the double digits, the game barely started and high had a touchdown. as i was leaving, early to beat the traffic cause it was a no brainer who was the winner, i heard the annoucer guy declare another touchdown for high. im glad high won casue its my sisters senior year but if north doesnt win next year we should just give up on the whole cross town thing and never play eachother again.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


OK you all should know about the night job thingy now. This is your warning DO NOT CALL ME TILL AFTER 6PM from Friday till I post the all clear. This is 8 days of no calling during the day. Please remember repeat offenders will be shot, killed, taken apart with a paring knife and buried in random places around Norman. :) love ya!

Monday, August 28, 2006

More random crap that no one cares about at work :)

Ok so I planed on going in at 10am today, a nice easy day just to refine my photo lab skills. WRONG!!! First I was stupid and decided that I could go to Midwest city for the night cause I didn't have to go in early. So what happened at 6:47 am? Mr. Bossman calls to inform me that the 8 o'clock cashier called in and I need to be there instead and that I have to work register all day. So after some (lots and loud) cursing and a mad dash around, a prayer of thanks for keeping extra work clothes in the car and a record trip back to Norman I get there and find out that not only has the 8o'clock cashier called in, the 3'oclock cosmetic and the 4'oclock cashier have all called in. My feelings at this point: HJGBVTRNGHAGBVAGOG@#$WTF!!! I get the look of death from one of the managers cause I tell him I cant stay later then 4 so he has to take over and be cashier, he was so not happy about that, but I had a babysitting job and had already been VERY nice to nearly kill myself coming in 2 hours early and there was no way I was also going to stay late. In other words it was a loooong day at work. O and cause I didn't get to work in photo Mr. Bossman is having me work tomorrow from 9-3 which is great cause I need the hours and the money but bad cause I put off my homework till tomorrow thinking id have the whole day off. Now I'll only have like and hour and a half to try to get all of it done. I don't think I'm ever going to learn that I should do it sooner rather then later.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My wonderful new job

Hey I REALLY didn't want to leave my job at the daycare even with all the crap I had to put up with. But I'm so beyond happy at my new job. I love it!! Everyone is nice and the managers are great and I'm getting told all the time how great I'm doing even when I feel like I'm never going to remember everything they have tried to teach me. I cant belief I put up with everything at the daycare for so long. I didn't think I would ever find a job I could like as much as I do working with kidos but I actually enjoy going to work and I don't dread it. Never thought that would happen.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Say Cheese!!

I had to learn the photo lab today. That was fun :( not to many buttons and dings and clicks. The rolls of film didn't want to open for me the computer didn't like me and kept tell me it was out of paper but it wasn't. O and I don't understand the scale for the print refuseals thats about it i think. im off tomorrow but school starts for me yucky!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

So ya know

OK most ya know I'm going to be working nights. This is to let you know when to NOT CALL ME so I can sleep. I start nights on Saturday the 2nd of September so from that day till the next Saturday please don't call me till after 6pm. After that its every other week a full 7 days on (8 this first week) and then a full 7 days off. I'll post reminders. O and I will hurt repeat offenders of the no call zone :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

First Days are Fun!

Ok, so today was my first day at the new job. they have me trainging on the day shift cause there is more customers and everyone who has something to teach me works days not nights. its not hard yet but theres a tone to memorize. got to go srry its short

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I hurt :(

OK, I'm all moved. ya. I'm in pain and exhausted. I cant go to sleep for several hours cause I have to get use to my new work schedule so that sucks. O some of ya know where my new place is but if you need to know or just need the number let me know in IM or email or call me and ill tell ya. I wont have the internet over there till Monday so the cell is best till then. I'll be over at my moms some for internet use. I think that's it for now. laterz

Monday, August 14, 2006


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!!! OK so I'm totally happy now I have a job. I now work at Walgreen on flood and main. Only semi-bad part is that its the graveyard shift. But the cool thing is that I work 7 days on and then 7 days off. And thank you Diana for telling me to apply!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Didn't beat my record :)?

Ok so I finally got some sleep. A whole 5.5 hours. Wow! I believe that the total time spent awake was about 50 hours. hmm what I want to know is why when I have a paper due the next day I cant keep my self awake even chugging caffeine and sugar but if I have nothing to do and nowhere to be I cant fall asleep? If you have the answer to that one let me know. O and my record for total awake time is...... 117 hours straight no naps. I will never take that pill again!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Need sleep

Ok going on hour 38 without sleep. This is getting ridiculous! I've tried everything music, TV, reading, pills, reading online, staring for hours at the imaginary colors on the ceiling when I've blacked out ever scrap of light that might make it into the room. (really I even put electrical tape on things that have lights in the room like my wireless mouse and the alarm clock) Ok so this is a pointless rant about not being able to sleep it doesn't really help in any way to write down that I'm incapable of going to sleep like a normal human. I guess I know why I cant sleep but that doesn't help me either cause I cant do anything about it. At least this post wasted some time that I now won't spend staring at the walls.

O the colors - that wasted a few more mins and its kinda fun too

Thursday, August 10, 2006

New apartment!

Ok, so I got an apartment ya! I move in next week, Tuesday or Wednesday, depends on when I can borrow the truck. If ya love me and want to help I'll feed ya and provide fluids too. Its a downstairs apartment so no steps. As soon as I got it all set up I'll throw a party.

EDIT: Sorry I didnt even think about giving the name. Its at Winshire Square on McGee.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cross your fingers

i think i finally found a place to live that wont kill me for rent and isnt in the slums ill know for sure by friday

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Movie Night


Just the facts

OK if you dont know already here is the last week of my life and ever thing that went wrong in it.

had to leave my job so now i dont have one but in tring to find one

had to move out my stuff is stored in three places and im semi living with my mom and semi living with some other friends so ya i dont know where i am most of the time

im looking for i new place to live and a new job cause if i dont get a new job i cant afford to live some where

um theres something im forgetting but i do know what so the end

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ya ever just feel blank?

the tears i feel today ill wait to shed till marrow
tho ill not sleep this night
nor find surcress from sorrow
mine eyes must keep thier sight
i dare not be tear blinded
not choked with grief
clear minded
my mouth can not betray the anguish that i know
yes ill keep my tears till later
but my grief will never go