Monday, August 28, 2006

More random crap that no one cares about at work :)

Ok so I planed on going in at 10am today, a nice easy day just to refine my photo lab skills. WRONG!!! First I was stupid and decided that I could go to Midwest city for the night cause I didn't have to go in early. So what happened at 6:47 am? Mr. Bossman calls to inform me that the 8 o'clock cashier called in and I need to be there instead and that I have to work register all day. So after some (lots and loud) cursing and a mad dash around, a prayer of thanks for keeping extra work clothes in the car and a record trip back to Norman I get there and find out that not only has the 8o'clock cashier called in, the 3'oclock cosmetic and the 4'oclock cashier have all called in. My feelings at this point: HJGBVTRNGHAGBVAGOG@#$WTF!!! I get the look of death from one of the managers cause I tell him I cant stay later then 4 so he has to take over and be cashier, he was so not happy about that, but I had a babysitting job and had already been VERY nice to nearly kill myself coming in 2 hours early and there was no way I was also going to stay late. In other words it was a loooong day at work. O and cause I didn't get to work in photo Mr. Bossman is having me work tomorrow from 9-3 which is great cause I need the hours and the money but bad cause I put off my homework till tomorrow thinking id have the whole day off. Now I'll only have like and hour and a half to try to get all of it done. I don't think I'm ever going to learn that I should do it sooner rather then later.


Blogger di hu said...

yes, work does rock doesn't it!!!!

9:38 PM, August 28, 2006  
Blogger Alustriel said...

wow what a day.

7:23 PM, September 04, 2006  

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