Thursday, July 07, 2005

I knew it wouldn't last

Today it was once again proven that some people have no brain. How had is it to figure out that if you stop spending money on wasteful things like cigarettes or new clothes with every check you'd have enough money for diapers. That's too difficult for some people to understand. I love explaining to a parent that if their child goes though four diapers in one day every day than ten diapers is not going to last a whole week or that when the diaper is two sizes too small it has to be changed more often. I also love the parents that flip out when its time for more diapers and they yell how they " just brought a massive pack of 120 like two weeks ago!"and I get to show them the calendar that shows I got an pack of 56 three weeks ago from them. :) I know that diapers are expensive but I don't waste them and I'm tired of getting yelled for doing it when I don't.



Blogger Alustriel said...

Yep, people are stupid. I wrote a whole thing on my apartment manager. They make me mad too. But you just can't let those people get under your skin really. Gotta keep cool like the lawyer and just be like THEY POOP ALOT YOU STUPID PERSON
Well not really a lawyer, they'd say it all calm like. And in a way that would make you feel really stupid. With really big words.

6:57 PM, July 08, 2005  

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