Wednesday, June 07, 2006

some stuff to know

ok so a post, yes i can do that.

Working sucks but i have to, i have 2 months to find somewhere to live and probly a new job so i can afford the new place and i just dont want to bother so ahfoghawoefaaog!

anyways--- im going HOME for the July 4th weekend!!! I get to see everone and go to a GREAT fireworks show and hopefully hang out with some people ive missed a bunch. Just thinking about it is driving me nuts i cant wait to be there! love to everone i know here but its just not the same in oklahoma, i miss so much about living in NE/IA the land, my family, old and very good friends, how people treat eachother, SNOW! i cant really discribe how different i feel just sitting outside when im back there, it just feels so right to be there, i feel like i can be just me and ill belong and not have to worry about what someone else will think or say cause of it. ok so im a little out of wack right now, but my trip to MO was so close to home that i cried just sitting outside in the swing cause i was so much better then being here and so close to what i miss. im really about to tear my hair out trying to decied if i want to bother to stay here or if i just want to pack up and go back. ok im done ranting for a bit i think? laterz


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