Friday, January 26, 2007

Bowling Night

OK, hopefully everyone knows about the bowling night but here is the final info one more time just so everyone is clear.

Friday february 9th 8:30 pm be at pizza hut in Edmond. We will leave the pizza hut and proceed to the bowling center around 9:25 so that we have plenty of time to find balls and get our shoes.

Bring some money for pizza 3-4 dollars should be enough.

Bowling cost $14. Their card machine is slow, so I recommends cash. You get your shoes and unlimited games from 10-1 for this price.

If I have not talked to you, or you have not responded to the blogs or facebook notices then you are presumed to be not attending. I will not have lane space reserved for you or table space at pizza hut.

I am not going to track down ever last person who is in someway connected to "the group"! If you know someone who wants to come and didn't get the message for some reason, then pass on the info and make sure they respond to me in some form to be assured table and lane space.

If you have any questions or need a ride to Edmond let me know.


Blogger FlutinKat said...

Than and I are still considering, because we're poor and neither of us is supposed to bowl (he has carpal tunnel now from work). We'll let you know if we change our mind, but right now, probably not coming.

11:22 AM, January 27, 2007  
Blogger di hu said...

i need a ride to edmond!!!

11:22 PM, January 31, 2007  

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