Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Cousin

Life is not very fair cause I only got to see him like once a year and not recently. He was fun to hang out with.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ok so maybe not

Well I didn't quit but I did want to. I think everything has been taken care of now and so I'm staying put. It would still be great to have a better paying job but the other convenience that I get here are mostly worth it. I get what ever schedule I need to go to school and I do have my own building to run so.. Until I'm all the way done with school i'll probable stay put. But unless they raise my pay substantially in the next year I wont be staying after I finish school. I could go to like nine places and make at least 4 dollars more after I'm done. Everyone was beening very nice and polite to me today i think they know im ready to quit.
i like putting people on their toes for a few days

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I quit!!!!

Well not yet but I did pick up two applications today and tomorrow I'm telling my boss that I am seeking other employment. I cant take all the bitching between staff any more, or my boss's lack of action against anyone but me. Every time someone says the smallest thing about me I have to have a meeting with the boss to discuss my short falling about what every they said. I tell my boss that the afternoon staff has for about the fifth time not cleaned the room or taken out the trash and its my fault because I set a bad example three months ago by not being able to finish the mountain of laundry. Laundry may be important to the daily operations of the center but one load in the dyer over night is not going to cause any one to get sick not cleaning the toys that 12 one yr olds slobered on will. so any ways my life sucks and i need a new job

getting a new job will be really nice cause any where i go is going to pay me upto 4 dollars more per hour thats AWSOME!!!! and when i get my associates it will go to like 6 dollars more than my current job yayayaya ill be able to move out and not live on ramen noodles and spaghtios ko im going to bed bye all


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sleep is good.

Ok so I got tired on Friday night. That's different enough but then I woke up and realized I had slept for 15 hours!! I can't remember the last time I got that much sleep I thought I would be all wired and stay up all night but instead I stayed in my room, read my book and was so tired by 10 that I went back to sleep and now 12 hours later I'm awake. Wow!!! That's 25 hrs and its not Monday morning yet.

So that's kinda a boring post but its all that's happened in the last two days and its been forever since I've had such a great nights(and most of the day) sleep.


Friday, July 08, 2005


Ok so I caught some of those little fishies and this morning when I woke up and checked they were all dead! Every last one! I'm a mass fish killer it is sad :( now the kidos have no fish. o well Spot (the class guinea pig) is enough trouble to feed. work was boring today and no one t get mad at so bye all.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ducks still jump but so do the fishies!!

Ok so Meagan was nice enough to come down to the duck pond with me and we caught some of the little fishies!! I now have a jug of fishes in my trunk and I hope I remember to take them out before they cook tomorrow. :( You all know I have the little ones at work an they love animals so the free fishies are going to be big! I just hope I can keep some of them alive for a few weeks then we can send them back to the toxic pond that is their birth land :)


I knew it wouldn't last

Today it was once again proven that some people have no brain. How had is it to figure out that if you stop spending money on wasteful things like cigarettes or new clothes with every check you'd have enough money for diapers. That's too difficult for some people to understand. I love explaining to a parent that if their child goes though four diapers in one day every day than ten diapers is not going to last a whole week or that when the diaper is two sizes too small it has to be changed more often. I also love the parents that flip out when its time for more diapers and they yell how they " just brought a massive pack of 120 like two weeks ago!"and I get to show them the calendar that shows I got an pack of 56 three weeks ago from them. :) I know that diapers are expensive but I don't waste them and I'm tired of getting yelled for doing it when I don't.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Back to work

Today was my first back after6 wonderful days off. it was not as bad as i thought it would be. I only had to work till 2 instead of 5. Nice! No parents were dumb today and no coworkers were able to tick me off, which is like the first time in forever. Mabye they all finally grew brains while I was away. I dont think it will last but I can hope. I had a good relaxing time at the duck pond with Meagan today. Ive decided that im going to catch some of the little bitty fish and take them to work for the kids. I got a net shaped like a frog which is much fun. i need to find someone and a time to go back. Idont want to go alone i might fall in! Im graceful like that. hehe well later and bye.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005


i forgot i broke a glow stick and it splashed in my eyes! that hurt bad!!! also my
shirt is ruined :(

Fun on the forth

Breakfast was Lunch

I was supose to meet Meagan and Sheena for breakfast. But we all slept to late and had to get lunch instead. Subway is good and when we got back to the appartment the boys came back so we played cards. I suck at hearts. But it was fun. then they left for work so we went shoping for towles. wow 230 in the afternoon and im shoping for towles. thats fun! we wanted to go swim so we drove to the y and it was closed that sucked!! so for like four hours we had to amuse ourselves and we descovered ther is NOTHING to do in norman. big suprise any way swe ende at the DUCK POND where i got a duck to jump and another to play catch. Meagan named him Earl but i like Jumpy better so to me his name is Jumpy. He is a cute little black and white duck thats sorta small. The other duck was white and played catch with the corn flakes. tomarrow me and Meagan are going to go visit him. Not a bad day even if it was kinda hard not to be board in norman. The fireworks sucked :( norman sucks arrg!!! I wanted to be in Nebraska!!!! But I did have fun playing with the sparklers. O ya I got Alex to try and master flips in the pool. Yah Alex!
(I was also suprised I could still do it. heheh)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

For Starters

Why are some peple so compleatly clueless that all you wan to do is smack them?
What is so hard about taking thirty seconds to read a half sheet of paper before wigging out over somthing that is not a problem!