Sunday, June 25, 2006

just cause

a much needed post about almost nothing

im going away on friday and i ll be back the following tuesday night or wedsnesday morning dont know which then its the movie thingy i hope

and thats all folks

Thursday, June 15, 2006


READ DIANAS BLOG FIRST!!!!!! then you may proceed with mine.

OK so bowling was great fun, everyone had fun I think. I got to have a little to drink and bowl and hangout with people which is so nice. Well after bowling me and Di (was taking her to her car which was at walgreens) decided to go chill at the park ant talk rather then just go home ya so we go get out sit down and not 5 mins later what do we see? THE COPS! hmm in the park not just after dark but at 1 am in the morning not so legal well, cops at the bottom of the other loop so we RUN to the car jump in and try to quickly leave did we make it? NO! Cop pulls me over my first time ever for anything I've never gotten a ticket or even a warning all cause we were in the park. So I go to pull out my insurance and big surprise I cant find it I have the last 4 other cards that are all expired but cant find the one I know I stuck in there not a week ago cause today is the day my plan happens to renew. So he takes my license and di's info cause we told him I was from Norman and I had never been to this park and di wanted to show me before I went back home and we were just driving through. ya ya he goes an while he is gone I frantically search for my card and way to go di cause she found it on the floor for me. Cop comes back and I tell him I found it so he says good that just saved me a ticket then says I'm just warning you this time the parks are closed at 11pm and that's it hehehe I didn't even get a written warning just told not to do it anymore. I'm way to lucky when I comes to cops, I should have at lest 10 speeding tickets by now but none. I fear the day that this all catches up to me and I end up in some big time trouble over some future thing. ya so that's my exciting night much fun and I cant wait till next week to do something with people again.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ohayoo Gozaimasu

So I was informed I needed to post again. Well there isn't much to post about right now but here is my attempt.

For clarity, yes I do have to move out of here. This was to be a temporary thing from the get go. When I move out I don't yet know if I am staying in Oklahoma. I have like 2 classes that I need to fines at school but I'm so far from caring it isn't funny. I'll probably stay and finish the classes just to make my mom happy. After that I'm pretty sure I would like to move back to Nebraska and live closer to the rest of my family, you know the half that doesn't make me want to go postal. Moving out of here will be interesting I have to find somewhere cheap enough to keep my current job or find a new job and a new place to live. FUN! Thats all I've got to tell ya'll except for you can have a cookie if you know what my title means and DIANA you can NOT guess cause you allready got told but here is one for you only--otomo-dachi!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

some stuff to know

ok so a post, yes i can do that.

Working sucks but i have to, i have 2 months to find somewhere to live and probly a new job so i can afford the new place and i just dont want to bother so ahfoghawoefaaog!

anyways--- im going HOME for the July 4th weekend!!! I get to see everone and go to a GREAT fireworks show and hopefully hang out with some people ive missed a bunch. Just thinking about it is driving me nuts i cant wait to be there! love to everone i know here but its just not the same in oklahoma, i miss so much about living in NE/IA the land, my family, old and very good friends, how people treat eachother, SNOW! i cant really discribe how different i feel just sitting outside when im back there, it just feels so right to be there, i feel like i can be just me and ill belong and not have to worry about what someone else will think or say cause of it. ok so im a little out of wack right now, but my trip to MO was so close to home that i cried just sitting outside in the swing cause i was so much better then being here and so close to what i miss. im really about to tear my hair out trying to decied if i want to bother to stay here or if i just want to pack up and go back. ok im done ranting for a bit i think? laterz

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I need to quit

I'm not mad at anyone at work or anything. Its just that I babysat for some of the easiest kids two days in a row for a grand total of like 10.5 hours mostly all of them hours when all the kids were sleeping! The sad part is the amount I made doing it $90 cash! I love it and hate it all at the same time. 10.5 hours is about the same as I do at work everyday and I don't make 90 a day. And I don't have just 3 kids that mostly sleep. O and no one at work gives me a blank check for dinner and tells me to get whatever the kids and I want and not to worry about the cost, stocks the fridge with soda just for me cause she knows I'm addicted to diet coke, lets me use her computer, has ALL the cable channels and a huge and I mean frigen HUGE! tv and still over pays me even after I tell her not too. I wish I could just be a babysitter and make good money everyday without all the stress of my regular job, but I'm done playing in LaLa land I'll go back to sad and boring reality again :(
