Thursday, June 15, 2006


READ DIANAS BLOG FIRST!!!!!! then you may proceed with mine.

OK so bowling was great fun, everyone had fun I think. I got to have a little to drink and bowl and hangout with people which is so nice. Well after bowling me and Di (was taking her to her car which was at walgreens) decided to go chill at the park ant talk rather then just go home ya so we go get out sit down and not 5 mins later what do we see? THE COPS! hmm in the park not just after dark but at 1 am in the morning not so legal well, cops at the bottom of the other loop so we RUN to the car jump in and try to quickly leave did we make it? NO! Cop pulls me over my first time ever for anything I've never gotten a ticket or even a warning all cause we were in the park. So I go to pull out my insurance and big surprise I cant find it I have the last 4 other cards that are all expired but cant find the one I know I stuck in there not a week ago cause today is the day my plan happens to renew. So he takes my license and di's info cause we told him I was from Norman and I had never been to this park and di wanted to show me before I went back home and we were just driving through. ya ya he goes an while he is gone I frantically search for my card and way to go di cause she found it on the floor for me. Cop comes back and I tell him I found it so he says good that just saved me a ticket then says I'm just warning you this time the parks are closed at 11pm and that's it hehehe I didn't even get a written warning just told not to do it anymore. I'm way to lucky when I comes to cops, I should have at lest 10 speeding tickets by now but none. I fear the day that this all catches up to me and I end up in some big time trouble over some future thing. ya so that's my exciting night much fun and I cant wait till next week to do something with people again.


Blogger di hu said...

she raises a good point. cause i didn't know that parks closed!!!

2:40 AM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

In Norman, the cops won't get out of their cars to look for you, so if you're at Reeve's park, you can stay hidden in the toys, and they will just drive away. Then you can go home, and not have any problems.

8:23 PM, June 18, 2006  

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